SS01: Neural inspired architectures for nanoelectronics
Organizers: Ulrich Rückert, Ralf Eickhoff (Heiz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn, D)
SS02: Kernel methods
Organizers: Andreu Català, Cecilio Angulo (Tech. Univ. Catalunya, E )Kernel methods and related Support Vector Machines are state-of-the-art research areas in neural computation and machine learning. Motivated by statistical learning theory they have been successfully applied to numerous tasks. The concept of kernel substitution makes the task of learning more tractable by exploiting an implicit mapping into a high dimensional space.
The aim of the special session is to present new perspectives in kernel methods: theory, implementations, new methodologies, and applications.
More information on: http://www.epsevg.upc.edu/cecilio/iwann2007/iwann_kernels.htmlSS03: Complex data analysis
Organizers: Michel Verleysen (Univ. Cath. de Louvain-la-Neuve, Be), Marie Cottrell (University Paris I, F)More and more data analysis problems involve data that are not in a standard tabular (instances x features) form. Complex data may include symbolic data, graphs, structures, regularly or irregularly sampled functions, vectors with different lengths, etc. This session will present new methods able to deal with this kind of complex data. Such methods include neural network algorithms, machine learning tools, and related computational intelligence techniques.
SS04: Neural networks and other Machine Learning methods in cancer research
Organizers: Alfredo Vellido (Tech. Univ. Catalunya, E), Paulo J.G. Lisboa (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)Computer-assisted decision support in medicine has the baseline role of enhancing the consistency of care. Such consistency requires the management of uncertainty, which is an important goal for the use of any intelligent technology in support of medical diagnostic and prognostic decision-making. Neural Networks and Machine Learning methods in general can be applied to a wide range of data types and problems in cancer research. In this special session, we aim to put together a collection of diverse and up-to-date Neural Network and Machine Learning approaches to different problems in the field of oncology.
Further information at:
http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~avellido/research/IWANN2007-special-session.htmlSS05: Emergent behaviors and cognition in embodied systems
Organizers: Cecilio Angulo, Ricardo Téllez (Tech. Univ. Catalunya, E)Emergent behavior-based and cognitive systems are both research paradigms aiming to provide knowledge-based control architectures to embodied, particularly robotics, systems. Many interdisciplinary research areas such as social robotics, artificial cognitive systems or neuro-evolved emergent architectures can benefit to/by the advances on the topics of the proposed session. From the perspective of the IWANN's topics, this session complements the regular program with emergent topics emphasizing multy-disciplinary and transversal aspects.
More information on: http://www.epsevg.upc.edu/cecilio/iwann2007/iwann_cognition.htmlSS06: Nature-inspired intelligent methods and applications
Organizers: Emilio Corchado (University of Burgos, E), Bogdan Gabrys (Bournemouth University, UK)Characteristic for man-designed computing inspired by nature is the metaphorical use of concepts, principles and mechanisms underlying natural systems. This type of computing includes among others, fields as evolutionary algorithms, neural networks, molecular computing and quantum computing. The special session is soliciting papers on all aspects of Nature-inspired Intelligent Methods and Applications. Because of the interdisciplinary character of the conference a special effort will be made to solicit survey, review, and tutorial papers which would make research trends in a given subarea more accessible to the broad audience of the conference.
Applications are solicited, but not limited to fields as security, knowledge management, bio-informatics, geographic information systems, artificial societies, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, prediction, control, robotics, image and speech signal processing, food industry, biology and medicine, business and management, materials and environment engineering and so on.
Further information at: http://www.ubu.es/investig/grupos/ing_const/lsi-1/iwann_2007.htmSS07: Synaptic modifications across complexity levels
Organizers: Alessandro E.P. Villa (University Joseph Fourier, F)
SS08: Emerging hardware technologies: an opportunity for hardware neural network implementations
Organizer: Christian Gamrat (CEA-LIST LCEI -Advanced Computer Technologies & Architectures, F)SS09: Assistive Technologies and e-Health
Organizers: Ulises Cortes (Tech. Univ. Catalunya), Roberta Annicchiarico (Santa Lucia Foundation Scientific Institute for Research, Italy), Cristina Urdiales (Univ. Málaga, E)More information on: http://iwann2007.dte.uma.es/SS09/SpecialSesionSS09.htm
You must take into account the following points for the organization of Special sessions and/or the submission of papers to a Special session: