

26 November 2006

Submission of Special Session proposals.
Proposals on the organization of special sessions about interesting topics included (or not) in the list of conference general topics may be mailed according the given indications: PAPERS/SPECIAL SESSIONS

10 December 2006

Special Session acceptance.
Accepted Special sessions list will be published on IWANN's webpage.

11 Febrary 2007

Submission of papers by authors
The format specified in PAPERS/AUTHOR INFORMATION must be used by authors in order to write their contributions. The procedure to hand in contributions is described in PAPERS/SUBMISSIONS. Authors willing to propose papers for any special session must follow the regular job sending procedure, indicating the specific corresponding special session.

19 March 2007

Notification of provisional acceptance.
Information about the evaluation of the papers and suggested changes will be sent to authors before this date.

29 March 2007

Submission of final papers.
Final versions of the accepted papers must be handed in by their authors before this date.

29 March 2007

Early registration (special rates).
Attendants to the conference must register before this date to get special rates. At least one person must register per paper; otherwise that paper will not be included in the conference proceedings (LNSC, Springer Verlag) (see Section REGISTRATION).

20-22 June 2007

IWANN Conference.
The conference will take place from 20 to 22 June, 2007 in Palacio de Miramar, San Sebastián, Spain.